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Taking Lent seriously 

Would you like deepen your faith? If so, make the most of Lent:

Join a Lent discussion group: The York Course – ‘On the Third Day’ – is at 11.00 am at St James from 21 February – 21 March, straight after the Wednesday Eucharist.

Come to the Churches Together Lent course on 40 Stories of Hope:

Thursday 22 February: St James Norlands

Thursday 1 March: St James Norlands

Thursday 8 March: St Mark’s Coptic Church, Allen St, W8 6UX

Thursday 15 March: Carmelite Priory, Kensington Church St, W8 4BB

Thursday March 22nd March: St Johns Notting Hill, Lansdowne Crescent, W11 2NN

Immerse yourself in the liturgy of Holy Week: Palm Sunday (25 March), Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday take us on the journey through to Easter.

Read a Lent book: Our recommended book this year is The Art of Lent: A Painting A Day From Ash Wednesday To Easter by Sister Wendy Beckett. Available from Amazon and other retailers. Cost around £6.99.

Contribute to our Iraqi Christians in Need appeal: Christians are back in Iraq! Mass was celebrated at Christmas in Mosul for the first time in 30 months. A massive reconstruction project is now underway. Come and hear Joe Bahoshy update us on progress and what is now needed: 4 March at the main services of both churches. Online giving information will follow and envelopes will be available in church. If paying online, go here and tick the box Nineveh Reconstruction Project – CJ18. Why not dedicate the money you save from abstaining from something to the rebuilding of community in Iraq? Read here for an introduction to the current situation.

Make a point of coming to church every Sunday.

Attend the midweek Eucharist: 10.30 am at St James.

Use the daily prayer resources on the website: such as

Traditional Lenten commitments include giving to charity, prayer and fasting.