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People to know

gareth2 Our Vicar is the Revd. Gareth Wardell.  He arrived in March 2020, just before lockdown, and claims to be the first priest to be licensed by Zoom!
FrNick Ordination Fr Nick Morris is our SSM Associate Vicar.  He is normally found in the parish on a Sunday and otherwise works as a school chaplain.
pippa Mother Pippa is both SSM Curate and Parish Manager.  Pippa brings a wealth of experience having been an Operations Manager for 8 years and then as Director of Prayer and Pastoral Care, both at her previous church.
S10 Frederica Venn - Churchwarden at St Clements Church
katherine s Katherine Soanes - Parish Safeguarding Officer
  Dr Rachel Carr - Children's Champion at St Clement's Church
Anna St James' Sunday School Lead

St James

  • Holy Communion 9:45am each Sunday
  • BCP Eucharist 8am on the First Sunday of the month (except August)
  • All-age worship 9:45am on the First Sunday of the month (except August)
  • A listed Grade II building, St James’s Church (1845) stands impressively at the centre of St James’s Gardens, at the Holland Park end of the parish.
  • Relevant preaching and a welcoming attitude to children and young people are key features of our liberal catholic identity.
  • Each summer the church normally offers a Speaker programme, and the gardens are thrown open for our Summer Fete.

St Clement's

  • Parish Mass - 11:30am each Sunday 
  • St Clement's Church (Grade II listed) was consecrated in 1867.It was founded by the Rev'd Arthur Dalgarno with his own funds, who worked without pay for many years.
  • The community spirit of its original foundation is apparent today in the work of The ClementJames Centre. 
  • On 10 June 2018, a small, beautiful Garden for Peace and Healing on the north side of the church was dedicated by the Bishop of London and the Mayor of London in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
  • An altarpiece by Mark Cazalet celebrates the Carnival as an outpouring of the creativity of God.